Since the Lisbon Treaty, policy coherence for development (PCD) has been a legal obligation on the European Union (EU) and its Member States. However, designing coherent policies is not always an easy task and implementing PCD calls for the right approach and appropriate means. Find below CONCORD’s publications on PCD.

- Spotlight on Policy Coherence 2009
- Spotlight on EU Policy Coherence for Development 2011 – A Lisbon Treaty provision A Human Rights obligation
- Spotlight on EU Policy Coherence for Development 2013 – The real life impact of EU policies on the poor
- Study 2013 – Overview of PCD systems in some EU Member States
- CONCORD position paper on food security April 2014 – Justice, Democracy and Diversity in our food system
- Spotlight on Policy Coherence for Development 2015 – the chapters have been split into several publications
- In 2016, a report on Sustainable Development including a chapter on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development has been launched: Sustainable Development. The stakes could not be higher – 2016
- How will you work for Sustainable Development? A litmus test for EU leaders – launched in April 2019, this CONCORD booklet gives an overview of how EU leaders can and should prioritise sustainable development