CONCORD has prepared new guidelines to provide advice on how to write a proposal for DEVCO funding. Recently, some major changes have appeared in the way applicants have to submit their proposals to EuropeAid. The template used in this publication is that of the PRAG 2015 for submissions on PROSPECT, which is the online submission system used for all new call for proposals.
In the recent past we have seen Practical Guide (PRAG) updates every year since 2012. Changes introduced have gone from minor wording corrections to introduction of new type of alliances (e.g. affiliated entities), new funding modalities (e.g. financial support to third parties) and major changes in the logical framework.
To help you, CONCORD has prepared new guidelines which give a general advice on the following chapters of the full proposal: Concept note, Full application form (Description, Methodology and Sustainability), Logical framework and Budget.
Please note that the guidance CONCORD provides on the most recent changes to the logical framework is preliminary and we cannot foresee if further changes will occur. CONCORD will continue to monitor changes in the logical framework and to advice its members accordingly.