CONCORD Europe and Mesa de Articulación are proud to present the El Salvador Declaration of the peoples of Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. This Declaration outlines civil society’s main recommendations for their governments in the framework of the bi-regional relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. It was developed together with many civil society organisations from both continents in September and October 2017.

Ahead of the next EU-CELAC Heads of States Summit, CONCORD Europe and its Latin American partner “Mesa de Articulación” organised a Civil Society Forum in San Salvador, on 7 and 8 September 2017. During these two days, 150 participants from more than 80 organisations coming from many different European and Latin American countries undertook a critical analysis of the socioeconomic situation in Europe and Latin America and developed recommendations for both EU and Latin American and Caribbean governments in the framework of their bi-regional relations.

Following this Forum, CONCORD Europe and Mesa de Articulación (both confederations representing more than 2000 NGOs) along with other civil society organisations from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe are now very happy to present the El Salvador Declaration of the peoples of Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Ahead of the EU-CELAC Heads of States Summit, this civil society Declaration calls on governments of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union to:

  • ensure the enjoyment of human rights and combat climate change in the framework of multilateral processes that contribute to socio-economic equality;
  • foster a relationship that strengthens democracy and promotes a better balance between human rights, welfare and trade;
  • promote equitable and cooperative bi-regional policies;
  • promote greater space for civil society.

Please click below to read the full El Salvador Declaration – available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.