The current proposal, merging 12 instruments, will endanger development cooperation objectives in favour of EU external policy interests. By diluting development aid in a broader external instrument framework, the EU will not only allow, but bolster the use of ODA for EU domestic priorities.
Given that aid is increasingly diverted in favour of border control and short-sighted migration policy [1 & 2], CONCORD is worried that the high percentage of unallocated funds in the heading “Neighbourhood and the World” would result in reinforcing the risk of funds being used to carry out short-term EU interests.
Development NGOs call on the European Parliament and the Member States, in the further elaboration of the future EU budget, to make a clear distinction between long-term development aid objectives from short-term foreign policy and prioritise the needs of the partner countries over EU interests.
Media Contacts:
- Helene Debaisieux, CONCORD Communications Coordinator,, Tel +32 (0)2 743 87 93
- Zuzana Sladkova, CONCORD Policy & Advocacy Coordinator,, Tel +32 (0)2 743 87 77
Notes to editors:
CONCORD Europe: we are the European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs, made up of 28 national associations, 21 international networks and 3 associate members that represent over 2.600 NGOs, supported by millions of citizens across Europe.
The legal texts from the European Commission are available here.
Multi-annual Financial Framework: CONCORD timeline including previous papers and reactions.
[1] SECURITY AID: AidWatch paper 2018 “Fostering development, or serving European donors’ national interests?”: Analysing the current trends around the aid agenda with the help of figures, examples to build on recommendations, this publication from CONCORD focuses on how is Aid progressively “instrumentalised” and spent in favour conflict, peace and security (CPS) management, to the detriment of poverty eradication and sustainable development.
[2] AID & MIGRATION: AidWatch paper 2018 “The externalisation of Europe’s responsibilities”: Aiming at clarifying how EU’s development cooperation and migration agendas are interlinked in today’s EU policies, CONCORD’s new report provides a commentary on the impact of these links. The report draws a couple of key recommendations, and more specifically, identifies 3 trends outlining how EU aid is in fact used to curb migration, done on-purpose by EU policy-makers to serve domestic priorities: inflation, diversion and conditionality (link to animated infographics of the 3 trends).
AIDWATCH REPORTS: Since 2005, on a yearly basis, CONCORD AidWatch monitors aid spendings and formulates recommendations on the quality and quantity of aid provided by EU Member States and the European Commission. CONCORD actively campaigns to hold EU leaders accountable for their commitments to dedicate 0,7% of their Gross National Income to development assistance and to use this aid in genuine, poverty-focused and effective ways.