We, the JAES Civil Society Steering Group, welcome the efforts of the EU to strengthen its partnership with Africa. We call on the EC and EEAS to ensure that they maintain a balanced approach and put people at the center by going beyond the five priorities.
We believe that the involvement of African and European civil society in the definition and implementation of the strategy is crucial to make the entire process more democratic, transparent and accountable.
We also welcome the recognition of the potential and key role of young people and women in the realisation of peace, sustainable and inclusive development.
We look forward to an EU-AU Summit that gives civil society a real space to participate and to a strategy that truly responds to people, especially girls and young women’s aspirations, created through an open and inclusive process on both continents.
In addition, a new EU strategy with Africa should take into consideration the ongoing negotiations on the EU-Africa protocol of the future EU-ACP agreement: these two processes should mutually influence and reinforce each other.
According to CONCORD Europe, a new comprehensive EU-Africa strategy must be shaped around ten core elements – which are a prerequisite for a strategy that aims at building a real partnership.
Since 2008, it maintains an ongoing dialogue with the EU institutions. It steers the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) European Civil Society Group.
Members of the Steering Group:
- Concord Europe
- European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP)
- Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT)
- ACT Alliance EU
- Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung (DSW)
- Forum for Equitable Development – Slovenia
- International Planned Parenthood Federation
- Wetlands International European Association
For any media questions, please contact :
Iva Petkovic
Communications Coordinator
+32 (0)2 743 87 93