Our 20th General Assembly was a very special one. Not only because it was the first in-person one after four years, but also because it was the occasion to celebrate CONCORD’s 20th anniversary.
Keep reading to know more about:
- The 20 years celebration
- The thematic sessions
- The statutory sessions
…and scroll through our galleries to see many pictures from the two days!
Celebrating 20 years of CONCORD!
2023 marks CONCORD’s 20th anniversary since its foundation. To celebrate this milestone we organised a party with all the people who contributed to this journey, both past and present. The event was a joyous occasion to revel in our accomplishments, reminisce about cherished memories, and set our sights on the future. We thank all the participants for that special moment, each person has played an invaluable role in shaping CONCORD’s growth and success over the years, and cheers to the 20 years and beyond!
During the party, we also shared a moving moment watching a heartwarming video realised with the help of many allies, partners, and members. If you haven’t watched it yet, do it now!
The thematic sessions
This year’s General Assembly has focused on the 2024 European Parliament elections, that will take place in June, and how to work together to prepare for the next mandate.
On the first day, we had a panel on the elections trends and scenarios with two valuable guests: Thomas Waitz, co-chair of European Greens, and Silvia Gonzalez del Pino, political advisor for S&D in DEVE and LAC region.
On the second day, our members worked in groups to brainstorm around tools and activities ahead of the European Parliament elections and the European Commission and European External Action Service renewal.
The statutory sessions
Our General Assembly approved with unanimity CONCORD’s new Statutes and Internal Regulations, which had to be updated according to Belgian law.
The General Assembly also approved our 2022 Annual Report: Shaping our Stories, which provides an overview of the key achievements and highlights from our Confederation and working structures in 2022.
Moreover, our President Rilli Lappaleinen (Fingo) was re-elected for the next three years, together with three board members: Ida Ragnarsson (CONCORD Sweden), Marta Iglesias (La Coordinadora) and Jeroen Uytterschaut (World Vision).
We would also like to thank our outgoing Board Member Branka Juran (CROSOL) whose mandate is coming to an end after joining our Board in 2019.