Our three demands for a Brexit putting people and our planet first

Our three demands for a Brexit putting people and our planet first

By the end of the month, Theresa May, the Prime Minister of United Kingdom will formally trigger the Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon as the first official step for UK to begin the negotiations to exit the European Union. In reaction to that, we are presenting our open letter co-written by Farah Nazeer, Director of Policy and Campaigns at Bond and Johannes Trimmel, President of CONCORD. This op-ed lists 3 key recommendations for UK leaders and EU government officials from the perspective of development focused civil society sector organisations.

Human rights? Irrelevant for EU migration policies!

Human rights? Irrelevant for EU migration policies!

On the occasion of the EU leaders meeting, taking place in Valletta on February 8-9, CONCORD expresses its concern that Official Development Assistance (ODA) is increasingly used for the promotion of European migration and security interests. This is policy incoherence in its worst form, ignoring the EU Treaty obligation for Policy Coherence for Development and the 2030 Agenda’s commitment to Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development.

What will the Maltese EU Presidency work on?

What will the Maltese EU Presidency work on?

From January to June 2017, Malta is chairing the EU Council. In that framework, civil society organisations, such as SKOP (Malta’s national NGDO platform and member of CONCORD) will use this opportunity to promote development education and raise awareness on development and cooperation policies. The following article will guide you through the Maltese priorities as well as the main development activities covered under the Presidency.