Policy coherence for sustainable development
What’s the issue?
Policy coherence for sustainable development can support countries to achieve sustainable development, whereas policy incoherence can seriously undermine it. For example, EU trade policy might create economic gains for the EU but have devastating impacts on partner countries’ economy and their poorest communities.
By committing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the EU has promised to address policy incoherences and to find compromises for policy conflicts. In practice, however, the EU is not always coherent in its policy-making.
Change we want to see
No policy conflicts
eu is accountable
national policies monitored
Mechanisms for ensuring policy coherence for sustainable development must be used more systematically and efficiently by all relevant EU institutions and all Member States, including at the highest political level.
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Latest news
Putting PCSD on the 2030 Agenda: success for civil society action and SDG progress
CONCORD marked a significant success in our advocacy with the adoption of Council Conclusions on 27th November. The Conclusions represent a win for CONCORD’s work on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD), and a step in the right direction in progressing Agenda 2030.
Talking Development Podcast Ep. 6: The world is interconnected, so are EU policies
The interconnection of EU policies seems is a complex issue. To provide an understanding of this complexity, this episode guides you through the concept of EU policy-making and its impact on the ground.
The ideal interview of Josep Borrell
Next week, Josep Borrell will be facing the European Parliament for a hearing during which he will be tested on his suitability for the role of High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. CONCORD proposes interview questions that MEPs could ask during the vetting process, as well as the ideal answers that the HRVP designate could use to prepare for the interview.
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