Global citizenship education
What’s the issue?
Even though our world is increasingly interconnected, too great a proportion of the global population lacks an understanding of global challenges, such as inequality, poverty, human rights violations and injustice, which continue to threaten peace and sustainability.
In times of crisis, values like respect, solidarity and inclusion tend to be further weakened.
That’s why Global Citizenship Education plays an important role in building consensus towards a truly sustainable future based on human rights, gender equality, justice and democracy.
However, Global Citizenship Education needs greater recognition, political support, policies and decent funding.
Change we want to see
EU policies are more people-centred.
global community
People everywhere play an active role in the global community.
Social Economy
People and policy-makers understand how policies are inter-connected.

What we want the EU to do
To solve global challenges, Global Citizenship Education should be promoted because it instils in learners the values, attitudes and behaviours that support responsible global citizenship. It gives people the tools they need to become active promoters of more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and sustainable societies, which is key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
What’s more, people-centred solutions are often more sustainable because they are focused on improving local communities’ self-reliance, social justice and participatory decision-making.
WeMove.EU’s Laura Sullivan talks with us about how we can overcome disillusionment with politics and why there are reasons for hope in youth engagement and a new type of politics.
Latest news
Talking Development Ep.3 (with Laura Sullivan): Say yes to change! Why voting at EU level matters
In this (for now) last episode of Talking Development, WeMove.EU’s Laura Sullivan talks democracy: the hottest topics of these EP elections, political apathy, why there are reasons for hope!
Reporting back from the launch of the GCE Funding Study
Why should we care about global citizenship education? How much funding goes to GCE in Europe? How much should we invest in Global Citizenship Education? These questions were addressed in CONCORD’s new report and discussed by panelists, including experts from DEVCO and UNESCO.
Report: Funding Global Citizenship Education in Europe
While Global Citizenship Education is recognised by many as a powerful tool to resolve current global challenges, the level of investment by national governments remains limited. Why is that? CONCORD’s new report explores this while revealing the level of funding dedicated to Global Citizenship Education in Europe between 2011 and 2015.
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