ODA under scrutiny: AidWatch 2023 launch event

ODA under scrutiny: AidWatch 2023 launch event

On Wednesday 18th October, CONCORD launched its 2023 AidWatch report, ‘Bursting the ODA inflation bubble.’ The report analyses both the quantity and the quality of EU ODA, finding that although reported figures are at a record high, 22% of reported ODA did not meet the most basic criteria to qualify as such.

AidWatch 2023 – Bursting the ODA inflation bubble

AidWatch 2023 – Bursting the ODA inflation bubble

Since 2005, CONCORD’s AidWatch reports have monitored and made recommendations on the quantity and quality of aid provided by the EU and its Member States. With the AidWatch publications, CONCORD members want to hold EU leaders accountable for their ODA commitments, including the longstanding target of allocating 0.7% GNI to ODA.

Bursting the ODA inflation bubble: AidWatch 2023 Report Unveils the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

Bursting the ODA inflation bubble: AidWatch 2023 Report Unveils the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

While Official Development Aid (ODA) figures are reportedly at record highs, the AidWatch 2023 report shows how the EU and its Member States have managed once again to claim billions as aid that did not meet the most basic criteria to qualify as ODA.