Annual report 2023
Claiming meaningful civil society space
Our Annual report captures the joint work of our Confederation in 2023, including the work priorities we have undertaken, publications, advocacy initiatives, and our financial figures.
In 2023, we stepped up our efforts to foster the move towards meaningful, inclusive and safe civil society engagement in Europe, we worked in both traditional and newer policy areas, as well as strengthened our role in key European Union policy and programming processes. During the last year, we reached considerable milestones and successes such as hosting our first Equality Day, shaping the Global Gateway CSO platform, and launching our report Who holds the lion’s share? A closer look at Global Europe Funds for CSOs to influence the mid-term evaluation of the NDICI-Global Europe and the mid-term review of its programming, to name just a few.
2023 also marked CONCORD’s 20th anniversary, a joyous occasion to revel in our accomplishments, reminisce about cherished memories and redouble our efforts for the future. These goals were achieved through the continued support and dedication of the members of our Confederation, as well as the partners and allies we have the privilege to work with. We are very grateful for this collaboration and hope to continue working together in promoting equal, just, and inclusive societies in a sustainable world.
Rilli Lappalainen
President, CONCORD
“This work wouldn’t be possible without the great cooperation of CONCORD members. The huge expertise, knowledge and common interests amongst members to work with other stakeholders and partners have been the reasons behind the successes in 2023.”
CONCORD in 2023
Our publications
Standing Strong in the Storm: an EU strategy to safeguard civic space worldwide
Position paper
AidWatch 2023 - Bursting to ODA inflation bubble
Who holds the lion’s share? A closer look at Global Europe Funds for CSOs
Position paper
Implementing the EU Gender Action Plan III: Turning ambition into impact?
What makes<br /> the difference for equality? Voices from South Africa, Paraguay and Bangladesh on what the EU can do