Analysis of the Gender Action Plan III

Monday, January 18, 2021

Women's rights and trade

2020 should have been a celebratory year for accelerating gender equality globally. Instead, COVID-19 has dramatically reversed the progress made over recent decades. Inequalities, poverty and gender-based violence are on the rise and women and girls are the first to be impacted. Gender equality is one of the EU’s key values and principles and, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has never been more important that the EU remains true to its

We welcome the new Gender Action Plan (GAP) III and acknowledge that it takes important steps forward in tackling the root causes of gender inequalities. However, complementary steps are needed for GAP III to be a success. And Member States have a very important role to play.

In this analysis, three key factors that can make GAP III more impactful are identified: implementation, funding and the inclusion of civil society.