One month to go: all you need to know from CONCORD ahead of the 2024 European elections

Friday, May 10, 2024

Regional Alliances Illustrations

With the European elections set to take place in just a month and MEP candidates on the campaign trail, at CONCORD we’ve been keeping busy with our own campaign, EU for Global Justice

To shed light on our messages, we have brought civil society, media and MEPs around the table to discuss their concerns as we head towards an election that could significantly alter the makeup of the European Parliament – potentially for the worse. In the face of the risks associated with the outcome of the upcoming elections, we have been joining forces with civil society and using our collective voice in our efforts to shape the agenda of the renewed institutions, combat shrinking civic space and push for an EU that prioritises people and the planet. 

In this newsletter, you’ll find a piece from Nele Meyer, Director of the European Coalition for Corporate Justice, outlining the emerging challenges around the normal democratic processes that face CSOs in the policy-making process. You will also hear from Nicolas Van Nuffel, Head of Advocacy at CNCD-11.11.11 on the Brussels Declaration which was adopted by civil society at the Citizen Summit in March. Then, we will give an insight into our advocacy plans in the post-election period. Finally, you will be able to get up to speed on our activities.