Rebuilding better with sustainable and inclusive business models

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Businesses have a crucial role to play in reducing inequalities and building a sustainable economy, but are their operating models able to fulfil that role? Given the adoption of the European Green Deal, as well as the current health pandemic, the call to rethink our conventional social and economic models has never been so clear.

The aim of this policy brief is to provide an overview of how sustainable and inclusive business models can deliver positive social, economic and environmental impact in partner countries – as well as to provide concrete recommendations for the EU and Member States to support these businesses.

The bottom line of conventional business models is to maximise profit at minimal costs; leading to human rights abuses and environmental exploitation. The fragility of these models has only been highlighted by COVID-19, which continues to exacerbate inequalities globally.

On the contrary, sustainable and inclusive business models enable resilient organisations that do not only generate profit, but also maintain self-sufficiency by reinvesting into people and the planet. Organisations adopting these models have the capacity to address inequalities, provide social protection to workers and invest in public services.