Scoreboard for the EU’s actions to tackle inequalities

Inequalities between people and countries are continuing to reach staggering heights. The social contract is under unprecedented pressure as witnessed by the multiplication of protests, marches and social unrest against austerity, inequalities and injustice all over the world. Inequalities come in different shapes and can strengthen one another. Not only are inequalities morally wrong, but they threaten the realisation of peoples’ human rights. Reducing inequalities, to realise a more sustainable world with less poverty and higher levels of well-being for all, must be a top priority for the EU.
And the EU and its Member States have committed to tackling inequalities in partner countries! But, are commitments being translated into action? Addressing inequalities requires a multidimensional and intersectional approach that begins at an institutional level. By analysing some of the EU’s most recent actions, our scoreboard evaluates whether or not this approach has been taken – or if inequalities have been addressed at all. In doing so, our in-depth analysis provides valuable insights to ensure that equality is mainstreamed in the future.