The importance of keeping commitments: how EU aid is crucial for least developed countries to leave no one behind

Monday, June 8, 2020

This year (2020) marks the intermediate year to reach the target of 0.15% to 0.20% of ODA/GNI to Least Developed Countries, which the EU and its Member States committed to and renewed in 2015. According to UNCTAD, of the 47 LDCs, 34 are Sub-Saharan African countries. Therefore, the emphasis that the European Commission is placing on the renewed EU-Africa partnership and the new narrative on development cooperation must tackle sustainable development in LDCs. Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak puts many lives and sustainable development severely at risk in the most vulnerable countries – including the LDCs.

This brief policy paper aims to offer quantitative and qualitative ODA analysis by assessing which EU Member States (including EU institutions) are championing the LDCs. The paper puts forward some recommendations to the EU and its Member States, providing valuable inputs for the Council Conclusions on ODA targets to be approved in spring 2020 by the Foreign Affairs Council (development) and in June by the European Council.