EU Gender Action Plan II: transforming lives?

EU Gender Action Plan II: transforming lives?

Is the EU Gender Action Plan II actually transforming the lives of women and girls in the world? With this report, CONCORD aims to demonstrate how the EU Gender Action Plan 2016-2020 is being implemented. Based on in-country research in Rwanda, Vietnam and Ghana, this report provides concrete recommendations on how to bring about a more impactful implementation of the GAP II.

EU country roadmaps for engagement with civil society

EU country roadmaps for engagement with civil society

In 2018, EU Delegations have been updating the EU country roadmaps for engagement with civil society. During the previous cycle more than 100 country roadmaps were adopted; covering the period 2014-2017. To facilitate the engagement of civil society with the EU Delegations in the process of consultation at country level, CONCORD has designed this briefing paper.