by Newsroom | May 3, 2016 | Development Cooperation, Policy coherence for sustainable development
What can we learn from the unique experience the European Year for Development 2015 project? Discover the external evaluator’s insights and learn about the huge impact of the Civil Society Alliance’s project.
by Newsroom | Mar 7, 2016 | Civil society power, Development Cooperation, News, Policy coherence for sustainable development
Our board members Marius Wanders and Johannes Trimmel attended on February 29th the launch seminar of the ‘EuroBarometer 441′ about the European Year for Development 2015. The conference organised by the European Commission revealed the results of the year as well as the perception of European citizens on development issues. Read Marius’ story below!
by Newsroom | Jul 14, 2015 | Development Cooperation, Migration, Policy coherence for sustainable development
Highlights from the EYD2015 ‘Romanian Development Camp’ 14 July 2015 By Francesca Minniti, CONCORD Secretariat The eighth edition of the ‘Romanian Development Camp’ took place last week in Bucharest and on 8-9-10 July, during the...
by Newsroom | Mar 6, 2015 | Civil society power, Development Cooperation, Other, Policy coherence for sustainable development
CONCORD board member and ambassador for the EYD civil society alliance, Marius Wanders’s remarks in Athens, Greece for the opening of the European Year for Development On behalf of CONCORD, the European Confederation of Relief and development NGOs, I wish to...
by Newsroom | Jan 19, 2015 | Publications launch
Propose new members for the Steering Group of the Civil Society Alliance by Wed 21st January. The EYD2015 Civil Society Alliance fosters critical discussions on and engagement for global justice among the citizens of the EU, involving different stakeholders in the...