Recommendations for the 6 strategic priorities of the future EU-ACP Agreement
The Cotonou Partnership Agreement is coming to an end in 2020. To ensure a fair ground leading to a “partnership of equals”, CONCORD has developed a list of recommendations, serving as a contribution from civil society to the ongoing EU-ACP negotiations to ensure mutually beneficial priorities.

CONCORD’s position: assessing the flow of external migration funding
On 19 June 2018, the Committees on Budget, Budgetary Control, Foreign Affairs and Development jointly organised a joint hearing for assessing the flow of external EU migration funding. Fanni Bihari, from ACT Alliance EU, represented our Confederation in this public debate aiming at assessing the flow of current expenditure on the migration-related projects and the EU Trusts Funds.

Reporting back from the launch of the GCE Funding Study
Why should we care about global citizenship education? How much funding goes to GCE in Europe? How much should we invest in Global Citizenship Education? These questions were addressed in CONCORD’s new report and discussed by panelists, including experts from DEVCO and UNESCO.

Report: Funding Global Citizenship Education in Europe
While Global Citizenship Education is recognised by many as a powerful tool to resolve current global challenges, the level of investment by national governments remains limited. Why is that? CONCORD’s new report explores this while revealing the level of funding dedicated to Global Citizenship Education in Europe between 2011 and 2015.