by Newsroom | May 8, 2020 | Inequalities & sustainable economy
As the new coronavirus rages across the globe, it should no longer be possible to ignore and maintain the structural inequalities. Tackling inequalities and building an inclusive and sustainable economy should be on top of the EU and Member States’ priority list.
by Newsroom | Dec 3, 2019 | Policy coherence for sustainable development
The interconnection of EU policies seems is a complex issue. To provide an understanding of this complexity, this episode guides you through the concept of EU policy-making and its impact on the ground.
by Newsroom | Jan 10, 2018 | Financing for Development, Private sector
With the help of Coordination Sud, our report on the role of the private sector in development is now available in French: “Une feuille de route en 10 points pour l’Europe. Le rôle du secteur privé dans le développement”.
by Newsroom | Nov 30, 2017 | Financing for Development, Food Security and agriculture, Policy coherence for sustainable development, Private sector, Publications launch
The EU must ensure small farmers are protected against multinational agribusiness when encouraging private investment in agriculture.
by Newsroom | Nov 17, 2017 | Aid Quality/Aid Effectiveness, Development Cooperation
CONCORD took an active part in the AidEx conference in Brussels, that gathered more than 2.000 people from the aid and development. Here are the main takeaways from the debates, stands and discussions.