In light of the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, CONCORD is putting forward our vision for the future of EU international cooperation...
Intersectional Feminist Policy-Making for EU External Action: 10 principles
Inspired by existing feminist foreign policy frameworks and the thinking by feminists in the Majority World CONCORD has adapted 10 principles that should underpin an...
A gateway to equality? Insights from El Salvador and Lesotho on tackling inequalities in the European Union’s Global Gateway programmes
The Global Gateway initiative purports to address investment gaps in the Global South. The initiative was conceived to bolster the EU’s global influence, positioning itself as an...
A Test of the EU’s Integrity Towards the 2030 Agenda: The Status of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
This new CONCORD report, “A Test of the EU’s Integrity Towards the 2030 Agenda: The Status of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development”, tracks existing PC(S)D mechanisms in...
Talking Development Episode 8: How civil society can keep up with the speed of change – with Rilli Lappalainen
For civil society organisations and NGOs, the speed of change in our external environment can be both exciting and daunting. In this episode, we discuss the nature of those...
A PCSD perspective on the European Commission Work Programme 2020
The need for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development is more evident than ever. The current COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating impacts on people's lives and health. The...
Guide to Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
The European Union (EU) is responsible for contributing to a more sustainable future - not just for people in the EU itself, but for the entire planet. This means we have to...
Postcards from the future
Let’s imagine for a moment that we’ve reached the middle of the century. It’s 2050, and the world looks very different. In the pivotal year of 2020, we forged a path to a more equal future. A future which works for all, a future where people live in harmony with nature, a future where everyone has a say, and a future full of opportunities.
Views on EU support to sustainable development worldwide
In 2017, the European Union and its Member States adopted a shared vision and framework for action to align the Union’s development policy with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
Briefing on inclusive sustainable economic development in EU-Africa pillar of the post-Cotonou agreement
The following policy brief outlines priorities that should be addressed in the economic development chapter of the future EU-Africa partnership. It is highlighted that the social...