The AU-EU partnership took a significant step forward in 2007 with the adoption of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES), aiming for a more inclusive, people-centered approach....

The AU-EU partnership took a significant step forward in 2007 with the adoption of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES), aiming for a more inclusive, people-centered approach....
CONCORD has endorsed a statement by a group of African and European civil society and youth organisations working as the Africa-Europe Joint Civil Society Engagement Team. The group aims to establish a structured and permanent mechanism for civil society and youth engagement within the AU-EU Partnership, based on principles of transparency, equal participation, accessibility, and inclusion.
200+ CSOs from Africa and Europe, representing citizens and people, have signed a Joint Declaration urging governments and institutions to rectify the lack of inclusivity and transparency of the sixth European Union-African Union Summit.
CONCORD is closely following the revision of the Cotonou Agreement, the broadest EU partnership with developing countries. The Agreement will expire in 2020 and the official negotiations will start in August 2018. What will happen next? What is CONCORD’s position? Find all the latest useful information in this blogpost.
With the revision of the Cotonou Agreement which will start mid-2018 and the soon to be signed new EU Consensus on Development, where do we stand on development cooperation after 60 years of European Union?
For two days, on December 6th and 7th, CONCORD and the FIP-IFP organised a seminar on the post-Cotonou process. These 2 days closed with a multi-stakeholders debate, titled “Stand up for a better future for all”. What came out of this process? What have we learned? What are the next steps? Read the joint statement and discover much more in this blogpost.
On December 7th, CONCORD and the Slovak Presidency will host an open dialogue on the future of the Cotonou Agreement. The event, titled “Stand up for a better future for all” will bring together authorities and Civil Society Organisations from both the EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states, to discuss the future of the EU’s partnership with 79 ACP states after 2020.
The CONCORD Cotonou Working Group (CCWG) was present at the 28th session of the ACP - EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA), taking place in Strasbourg in 2014. Members of the...
CONCORD comment on the EU-Africa summit, 2-3 April 2014. (Brussels, 3 April 2014) African countries are still on the receiving end of unfair EU policies, especially in trade, tax...
Time for a fairer deal for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. A roundup of CONCORD's activities at the JPA. Photo: ACP-EU parliamentarians: photo credit ACP-EU...