The headline figures for Official Development Assistance (ODA) tell an alarming story. Half a century after the deadline by which “economically advanced countries” committed that...

The headline figures for Official Development Assistance (ODA) tell an alarming story. Half a century after the deadline by which “economically advanced countries” committed that...
Since 2005, CONCORD’s AidWatch reports have monitored and made recommendations on the quantity and quality of aid provided by the EU and its Member States. With the AidWatch publications, CONCORD members want to hold EU leaders accountable for their ODA commitments, including the longstanding target of allocating 0.7% GNI to ODA.
2021 report takes a detailed look at the commitment to effectiveness in the Team Europe approach – the EU’s response to COVID-19 in partner countries. There are worrying signs...
2020 marks the first year since 1998 that the global rate of poverty has increased. The COVID-19 pandemic has much to do with that, but it doesn’t help that the EU and its Member...
EU aid decreased in 2018, continuing the downward trend from 2017. Despite the well-received 25% reduction in inflated aid, EU aid is still decreasing after discounting these...
The AidWatch 2018 report considers European official development assistance (ODA) in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s overarching pledge to leave...
To clarify how EU’s development cooperation and migration agendas are interlinked in today’s EU policies, our new report provides a commentary on the impact of these links. The...
The EU could take a generation to meet the 0.7% ODA/GNI target at the current rate of growth, reveals our new AidWatch report. While 2016 saw a substantial increase of 27% in...
Since 2005, the AidWatch report monitors and makes recommendations on the quality and quantity of aid provided by EU Member States and the European Commission. The AidWatch...