With the help of Coordination Sud, our report on the role of the private sector in development is now available in French: “Une feuille de route en 10 points pour l’Europe. Le rôle du secteur privé dans le développement”.
Is private investment in developing country agriculture a good thing?
The EU must ensure small farmers are protected against multinational agribusiness when encouraging private investment in agriculture.
Private sector and development: The EU is not doing enough!
CONCORD in the news: This article by Isabelle Brachet, CONCORD expert on Sustainable Development and EU Policy advisor at ActionAid, on the role of the private sector in Development has been initially published in Euractiv. To ensure business enterprises play their role in generating more and better jobs and contribute to the transition towards a green and sustainable economic model in the Global South, the EU needs to adopt in-depth reforms.
Double-end profit: doing business for sustainable development
What is and what should be the role of the private sector in development? CONCORD launches its new report “10 point roadmap for Europe on the role of the private sector in development” compiling ten areas of action for the EU to ensure a fair, sustainable and accountable contribution of the private sector to the 2030 Agenda.
Agro-ecology to strengthen resilience
To meet the food and nutritional needs of a growing population within our planetary boundaries, we need a shift in food production towards a highly adaptive, low carbon, resource-preserving type of agriculture and in-country value addition that benefits also the poorest farmers through higher incomes and improved access to safe, diverse and nutritious food.
My take on the EDD17 – How to genuinely invest in Development? Invest in Planet.
Laura Sullivan was representing CONCORD in the Closing Ceremony of the European Development Days 2017. Here are her takes. In her first blogpost, Laura addressed the necessity of leaving the logic of economic growth as a central goal of our policies and politics on Development. Don’t miss the next episode.
For a Common Agricultural Policy respecting policy coherence for sustainable development
The European Commission opened a Consultation on the modernisation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). CONCORD Europe sent its recommendations and called for policy coherence for sustainable development to be strengthened. Read our reply.
Opposition rises to planned agriculture mega-mergers
More than 200 organisations have today raised their objections to the planned mergers of six giant agriculture corporations. – Joint press release from Friends of the Earth Europe, EFFAT, European Coordination of Via Campesina and CONCORD Europe.
EU and Global Value Chains: Implementing sustainable business through aid and trade – Impressions of the conference
EU and Global Value Chains: Implementing sustainable business through aid and trade - Impressions of the conference 8 December 2015 By Ad Ooms, Chair of the CONCORD Private...
NGO reaction on changes to development aid reporting
(Brussels, 16/12/2014) The way international development aid is reported is set to change, following a decision today in Paris by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC)...