The AU-EU partnership took a significant step forward in 2007 with the adoption of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES), aiming for a more inclusive, people-centered approach....
Claiming meaningful civil society space: CONCORD’s General Assembly 2024
On the occasion of our 21st General Assembly, our Confederation met in Brussels (Belgium) on 10-11 June. Over the two days, delegates from the 57 national platforms, networks and associate members gathered to celebrate the successes of the past year and how to further enhance our joint strategy.
Celebrating 20 years of CONCORD: 2023 General Assembly
Our 20th General Assembly was a very special one. Not only because it was the first in-person one after four years, but also because it was the occasion to celebrate CONCORD’s 20th anniversary.
Shaping our stories: General Assembly 2022
On the occasion of our 19th General Assembly, our Confederation came together virtually once again. As our 2016-2022 Strategy comes to a close, these two days presented an opportune moment to celebrate everything that CONCORD has achieved over the years as well as our way forward, together.
Co-creating our future: General Assembly 2021
Our General Assembly 2021, brought our Confederation together, virtually once again, from all corners of Europe. The two days provided a key moment for us to look back at what we have achieved and look forward to our future, together.