With the European Parliament elections around the corner, new EU leaders are about to take on their posts. CONCORD’s new paper puts these leaders’ priorities to the test and asks: “How will you work for sustainable development?” 

As parties start rallying up, our eyes are on what’s ahead: 2019 is a moment of truth for Europe. At the end of May, we will cast our votes which will determine the constellation of the a new European Parliament. For CONCORD, as the European NGO confederation for development and relief, we see these elections as a great chance. As new representatives are joining the parliament, and a new European Commission is put in place, we raise the questions:

❓How will these new leaders respond to people’s’ calls for a change around the continent?

❓How will they work for a fair and sustainable Europe in the world?

Well, no better time than this decisive moment to put future EU leaders to a test. CONCORD’s new publication “How will you work for sustainable development? A litmus test for EU leaders” is a booklet which

❗ takes stock of what the Juncker commission has achieved for sustainable development

❗ defines aims for a global dimension of a Sustainable Europe 2030 Strategy and

❗ tests if EU leaders’ policy priorities truly work for sustainable development

Our aim? We equip future leaders with the background knowledge, mindset, and outlook needed to set their priorities for sustainable development. This way, future leaders will be ready to ensure well-being within the EU (HERE AND NOW), a positive impact of EU policies worldwide (ELSEWHERE) and a sustainable way of life for future generations (LATER).

Under this lense, CONCORD’s booklet discusses

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and defines the political leadership and mechanisms needed to ensure sustainable and coherent policies are put in place.

Ready to be an EU leader? Then head inside and and take our litmus test!