by Newsroom | Nov 15, 2016 | Civil society power, Other
CONCORD members gathered in Budapest on 8th and 9th November to discuss the shrinking space for civil society in Europe. This event, the first of its kind, aimed to foster information-sharing and mutual learning between our members on the solutions they are exploring. Our Hungarian members, HAND, supported the preparation of the event and highlighted the extreme situation for civil society in the country.
by Newsroom | Sep 12, 2016 | Civil society power, Global citizenship education, News
CONCORD in the news – This article is a common statement on the future of Europe drafted on the initiative of WWF, CONCORD Europe, ETUC and European Youth Forum, supported by 177 European and national Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions.
by Newsroom | Jul 20, 2016 | Civic engagement, Civil society power, Publications launch
How is the quality of the relationship between Civil Society and EU Delegations? CONCORD survey will help us to find out! Please fill in the survey before 10 September.
by Newsroom | Jul 8, 2016 | Civil society power, Development Cooperation
On Thursday 30 June we organised a webinar in order to answer some of our members’ interrogations concerning the impact of Brexit for European Civil Society and for our confederation. Here are the main outcomes.
by Newsroom | May 3, 2016 | EU external action, News, Policy Coherence, Sustainability / 2030 Agenda
CONCORD in the news: In the framework of the new EU Global Strategy, Sabine Terlecki, Head of Policy and Advocacy at CONCORD, identifies the 9 elements which would support a more visionary and ambitious text addressing the root causes of today’s global challenges.